Message from the Course DirectorWelcome to WB-2130!
I could not be happier and more excited for the journey that we are starting together. We have assembled a top-notch group of dedicated scouting volunteers that are working hard to prepare an action packed, fun filled leadership course! Wood Badge is the premier training course for adult leaders. It provides participants with the practical tools to fulfill the aims and methods of the Scouting Program. The quality of the Scouting experience for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, and Venturers depends on trained leaders – Adults who have given of their time and energy to promote the Scouting movement. Using concepts that are found in corporate America, the course teaches participants the basics of listening, communicating, valuing people, team development, situational leadership, problem solving, and managing conflict. Once the skill is learned, each member is given the opportunity to use the skill as a member of a successful working team. At the conclusion of the course, each participant develops a set of personal goals related to his or her Scouting role. Working towards these goals allows each participant to demonstrate new skills. Wood Badge is intended for all leaders in Scouting—Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, and Venturing leaders, as well as council and district leaders. Many Scouters consider Wood Badge to be a peak experience of their Scouting careers. It has served as a source of inspiration to thousands. In return, Wood Badge participants have positively affected the lives of millions of America’s youth. Wood Badge will help you perform your Scouting functions more effectively and with less time and trouble, improving your unit for your child and all the other members. You will come away from the course with a greater understanding of the scouting movement, a renewed commitment to scouting in general, and more importantly, a dedication to providing a top-notch program for the boys. I am passionate about Wood Badge because I honestly believe that there is no better training for scout leaders, and that every boy deserves Wood Badge trained leadership. I hope that you will be able to join us this fall! The practical phase of WB-2130 will be held at Camp George Thomas over two 3-day weekends, September 8-10th and September 29, 30 and October 1st. The cost is $200 if paid in full by July 7th, and $225 thereafter. Scholarships are available on a first come first served basis. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]. Yours in Scouting, Stacey Riffell |
1st Weekend – Sept 8th - 10th 2017
2nd Weekend – Sept 29th - Oct 1st 2017 Course Director Stacey Riffell (405) 210-2481-[email protected] Time commitment note: This course weekend starts Thursday at 7:00 pm and ends around 5:30 pm on Sunday. To complete the course, a participant must attend the entire course on all 6 days.
Wood Badge is leadership training for all scout leaders including Cub Scouters, Boy Scouters, Varsity Scouters and Venturing Advisers along with all levels or BSA professional staff. This course draws on the leadership skills developed by the Boy Scouts of America as well as on current leadership and team development models used by corporate America. As a participant in this course, you will learn and develop leadership skills that will enhance your ability to “Deliver the Promise” of scouting to your youth membership.